Sunday, February 24, 2013

Gathering A.C.I

Bartno note:

Saya rasa ini gathering kedua yang saya ikuti.

Kali ini diselenggarakan oleh salah satu mal terbesar di Indonesia.

Ada lomba adu tulisan mengenai Aku Cinta Indonesia (A.C.I).

Ternyata karya ku kalah oleh peserta lain. Tak apa lah, paling tidak bisa untuk menambah isi kisah-kisah ku ini.

"Tak ada yang seperti ini, Lempar kayu jadi tanaman.
Setiap senyuman memberi ketenangan.
Ribuan pantai, ribuan gunung tenangkan pikiran.
Beribu budaya disatukan dalam negara kesatuan.

Ini tempat tinggal saya, yang saya cinta hingga menutup mata.
I love Indonesia."

Note: Itu foto tim Rampak Gendang

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Addiction

Bartno Note:

It's almost a year about my first travel to camping and mountaineering.

I never tought it gonna be addicted. But this is a positive one.

Just a slight memory that still attached in my head, about my first adventure last year.

Precisely it happend in 17 to 20 Mei 2012.

It's all begin in Stasiun Senen, when we all together at 16 Mei. At that time I only knew one person, but in the end we are like one big family (20 people).

Our spirit so high when we arrived at Malang. But then when we are just only need to walking trough the path to get to Sempu Island, everything changed.

Big pour rain, make the path so slippy. Some time we fall, some time we cut our feet by the coral. Plus cold, the holiday become frightened.

Two of my friend getting chilly and dizzy. But somehow, we mannage to support each other, so we finally can see the beatiful island with hundred of stars above.

It's feel like old proverb "Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang di tepian. Bersakit-sakit dahulu, Bersenang-senang kemudian."

Then the next holiday day, it's fun, it's nice and it's more laugh. Even, at Bromo the weather is very cold.

In this picture, that's our team.

This adventure mad me a new person, a new goal to travel around Indonesia and the world.

